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    Grief and Loss

    Grief & Loss Treatment Using Accelerated Resolution Therapy (A.R.T.)

    Life can happen so fast; it leaves us with a terrible emotional scar.

    Losing someone, a pet, a job, or a place that you once called home can all cause grief.

    A.R.T. is a newer evidence-based therapy used for clients who have experienced grief or loss. If you have experienced or are currently experiencing any type of grief or loss, it can help you:

    • Forget the pain of your experience(s)
    • Erase disturbing images
    • Eliminate reactions to triggers
    • Reprogram stress memories and images
    • Develop positive and effective strategies for dealing with stressors
    • Improve sleep

    A.R.T. uses eye movements, imagery, and guidance to help your brain better process and store difficult memories. When these are processed and stored differently, they no longer trigger negative physical and emotional reactions. Using a series of relaxing eye movements, you will move beyond your stuck points towards growth and positive change. You are in complete control during these sessions, and you don’t even need to talk about your grief or loss to achieve recovery. A randomized study of ART, when used for post-traumatic stress, found a 70% reduction in symptoms. Similar outcomes have been found when using this therapy for anxiety and depression.

    Complicated grief is a major health concern, and it often takes a toll on your mental health. It may impact your levels of anxiety, depression, your desire to socialize, and your cognitive function. Grief and loss can also affect your physical health like your immune function, inflammation, and sleep quality.

    Grief usually goes away in a one-year time frame, however not all grief goes away in a year. If undealt with, grief can last many years.

    There are treatments in psychotherapy that can help you deal with your loss. Contact us at Tampa Therapy and Wellness and talk to one of our therapists today to learn how we can support you along your journey.